Coffee Fun Facts: Legend has it that Ethiopian shepherds first noticed the effects of caffeine when they saw their goats appearing to become “frisky” and “dance” after eating coffee berries.

  • Originally coffee was eaten. African tribes combined coffee berries with fat to create energy balls.
  • Coffee beans are actually the pit of a berry, which makes them a fruit.
  • Coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world. (oil is first)
  • January 18th is National Gourmet Coffee Day.
  • January 25th is National Irish Coffee Day.
  • April 7th is National Coffee Cake Day.
  • September 6th is National Coffee Ice Cream Day.
  • September 26th is National Coffee Day.
  • There are two types of coffee beans: Arabica and Robusta. Seventy percent of coffee beans are Arabica. Although less popular, Robusta is slightly more bitter and has twice as much caffeine.
  • The rise of Islam contributed greatly to the consumption of coffee. The religion prohibited drinking alcohol but considered coffee an acceptable beverage.
  • All coffee in the world is grown in “The Bean Belt” (areas between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn).
  • Hawaii is the only state in the US that grows coffee.
  • The term “a cup of Joe” comes from American servicemen (GI Joes) in WWII being seen as big coffee drinkers.
  • George Washington invented instant coffee. A Belgian man living in Guatemala named George Washington invented in 1906.
  • French philosopher Voltaire is said to have drank 50 cups of coffee a day.
  • The largest cup of coffee ever was brewed in July 2014 in South Korea. It was over 3,700 gallons.
  • The largest iced coffee was brewed in Las Vegas in 2010, and was 1,500 gallons (not including ice).